Whoever coined the phrase “expect the unexpected” hit the nail on the head. In life, there are endless “unexpecteds”. Of this, I’m very aware. But as I sat in the most recent “unexpected” to come my way, I thought… what if I swap out expect for accept… “accept the unexpected”. How comfortable am I with that notion? Turns out, not very. Accepting the unexpected is easier said than done!
Just a week ago, I was in Boston celebrating my youngest daughter’s graduation from college. It was delightful! The flowers were in bloom, my older daughter and her boyfriend joined us from NYC, and we spent three full days fêting Nicole with all the pomp and circumstance she missed in 2020 as a member of the “Covid class”.
I got back Thursday night with grand plans to “make” (i.e. hand stitch) for a week in blissful solitude while Dave and Nicole enjoy some father-daughter bonding while driving all of her “stuff” cross-country.
Instead, I ended up taking my mom to the ER on Friday… and spending every day since keeping her company in the hospital. Talk about unexpected. My week of blissful solitude has become anything but! I’m feeling less than creative as I review endless test results, prepare questions for doctors, and discuss uncertain next steps.
But you know what? I’m making an effort to accept this unexpected and embrace it for what it is. No, I’m not “making” this week, which was my plan, but I’m taking care of my mom, which I’m blessed to have the flexibility to do. She appreciates my presence, and I’m glad I can be there for her.
Yesterday, Mom mentioned that “accepting” becomes easier with age, as we discussed some of the many unknowns that lie ahead of us on her medical journey. I think she’s right. What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts!